This page describes one of the phases of the multi-year Master Bathroom Remodeling Project.
When we bought the house 20 years ago, we inherited a wire basket storage bin that sat under the vanity area of the sink in the master bathroom. It has been a fixture there ever since and something my wife depends upon. Though it ranks high on the functional scale, it ranks low on the form scale. My wife had suggested redoing it to match the new wooden slat look of the bathroom, which was a good idea.
The design was simple, with the trickiest part ensuring that the grooves were in the right places to make sure the re-used wire basket rails slid easily and did not fall out.
I decided to use wood biscuits for all the edge joints so there would need to be no screws. However, since much of the joint areas involved end grain, my worry about its durability grew during the course of building this.
Because of all the intricacies and gaps, I decided to pre-finish most of the pieces before assembly. Obviously, I had to avoid the surfaces and biscuit slots that I would be glueing.
Only after assembly did I decide to give in and add some screws for extra support. I used wood putty to hide the screws as much as possible, but was still mildly unhappy. Durability tends to win out in my designs, which is why most things I work on tend to be a bit clunky looking.
Final Result