Hierarchical Notetaking

Tony's Software Projects

This is a project that I am actively working on, so will have more to say about it at a later date. This is inspired by Emacs "Org-mode", where I want to be able to use Emacs org-mode, with the following additional use cases:
  • Someone that did not have emacs could view my notes.
  • Multiple people could collaborate on the notes.
  • Someone could modify the file using a web interface and mouse clicks instead of keyboard commands.
  • The raw text org-mode file could be display in a slicker looking way in a web page.
  • Content can still be used off-line in a normal Emacs session with org-mode.
I have the basics of org-mode working in a Javascript web application with the most common keystrokes and functionality. I need to add a user login system (in progress) to prepare for collaborative editing, added a slicker UI (via Bootstrap) and work on how to best allow collaborative editing.