1993 Long Island American Rotisserie League
Long Island American Rotisserie League - 1993

1993 Long Island American Rotisserie League

Teams and owners

The Black Year

This was a very difficult year for the league. It started to get a little too ugly for me and I decided to fold up the league. Here is the text of the letter I sent out to the owners.

June 7, 1993

Dear Rotisserie Owners:

This season began with much enthusiasm. I think most owners (myself included) were eager for the start of another rotisserie season. There was some trepidation concerning the initial structure the league was going to take. On my part, I wondered how happy you owners would be with infrequent stats and limited roster movements. I knew I would have to scale back since I am involved with many other things at the present time. When Brian offered his services, I thought this was the ideal solution and that I would be able to handle doing the stats full-time during the three summer months if Brian could handle the remainder of the season. This was to be the first week that I would be doing the stats. Unfortunately, my summer appears to be much busier than I had expected. Aside from various projects that I must accomplish, I will be away for a few weeks during the summer making the situation even more intolerable. After much thought and analyzing the situation, I have come to the conclusion that I should terminate the league and refund everyone's money. My principle motivation comes from looking at it in both your perspective and my perspective. It has become clear that most (if not all) of the owners would not be pleased with the severely restricted format that I would be forced to limit the league to during the summer. Also, I do not think it would be pleasant for me to have angry owners competing for my time when I would have (dare I say) more important issues to attend to. Although I regret having to take such a drastic action, I think this will be best for all concerned. Many people are already upset with the shape the league has taken, and I fear that this situation would not improve. I apologize for not finishing what I have started and for wasting your time during these first few weeks of the baseball season. I'm sure that a number of you might like to continue this league further. Brian and I can provide the complete stats up until the last standings period should any (or all) of you decide to continue this league in some other way. (e.g., via a stat service) Hopefully, this does not signal the permanent end to the league, and that future situations will lend themselves better to conducting rotisserie leagues. Again, my apologies and thank you for being part of the league.

